Car Insurance Get An Auto Insurance Quote

  • 1 min read
  • Nov 08, 2021


As of January 30, 2020, our customers (with insurance policies underwritten by either Security National Insurance Company, Primmum Insurance Company, TD General Insurance Company and TD Home And Auto Insurance Company) who insure their car with us and who meet the claims-free savings criteria applicable to their province or region with regard to the number of years spent claims-free, save an average of:

30%, in Ontario

18%, in Quebec

20%, in Alberta, Yukon, Nunavut and North West Territories

30%, in the Atlantic Provinces

when compared to the premium they would have paid if, within the previous 12 months, they made a claim that would have negatively affected their premium. These claims vary by province and product. Savings are not guaranteed and vary based on the customer’s profile, province/region and product.

** Your auto insurance premium may increase for reasons unrelated to the collision.

*In Ontario, discount will be applied to each of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Accident Benefits Uninsured Automobile, Direct Compensation – Property Damage, All Perils, Collision, Comprehensive, Specified Perils, and the Family Protection endorsement. For all policies that receive this Digital Discount, the 5% discount will continue to be applicable upon their renewal.

1This coverage is available June 10, 2021. In the event of a total loss, we will pay the lowest of the following amounts:

• The actual purchase price of the vehicle and its equipment;

• The manufacturer’s suggested listed price of the vehicle and its equipment on the original date of purchase; or

• The cost of replacing the vehicle that is a total loss with a new vehicle with similar specifications or equipment and accessories (criterion applicable in Ontario and Quebec only)

Mailing address:

TD Insurance (Corporate Secretariat)

50, Place Crémazie

12th Floor

Montreal (Quebec) H2P 1B6

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